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Minister Match Releases "The Search Committee Handbook"

A step-by-step guide to a proven hiring process for the churches of Christ.


Cookeville, Tennessee - June 6, 2015 – Minister Match today released their first book written by company founder Don Viar. This new handbook expands upon the principles outlined in The Minister Hiring Process released this past April. The book provides practical step-by-step guidance on how to hire a minister within the church of Christ fellowship.

“While struggling through a minister search at my home congregation in 2014, I realized the great need for a structured hiring process within the church,” said Viar.  This book teaches a search committee how to find, evaluate and hire ministers in a way that is consistent with the church governance model used by most church of Christ congregations.  The goal is to help congregations attract great candidates and make better hiring decisions that lead to long term ministry tenures and greater stability in local congregations.

Beyond the information in the handbook, the company also announced the release of over 40 document templates that bring The Minister Hiring Process to life.  These templates cover topics such as interview questions, meeting agendas, and correspondence with candidates. Each template is discussed in detail within the Handbook and available for a free download from the Minister Match website(

The Search Committee Handbook is available for sale on the Minister Match website ( as well as at many leading retailers such as 


About Minister Match

Minister Match is an "executive search firm" focused on helping the churches of Christ fill their ministerial positions.  We provide comprehensive educational, informational and consultative resources for congregations and ministers to help both parties find their right fit.  We believe that long-term ministers lead to healthier congregations and ultimately more people living in faithful obedience to Christ. You can learn more about Minister Match by visiting our website at

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410 South Lowe Avenue
Cookeville, Tennessee 38501
Ph: 931-881-3930



It was a great process for me. Minister Match did a good job of keeping confidentiality in collecting information, and the communication process was very clear. The staff was very easy to deal with and very helpful. Overall the experience was very ...
Joel Soumar - Youth Minister, Mesa Church of Christ
The candidate pool for our need was something we had to work to develop but Don was insistent we wait for God's guidance and let it fill up when our human nature wanted to start right away. This served us well since our best qualified candidate ...
Jon Bouley - Family Minister Search Committee Chairman, Mesa Church of Christ
The process was well marketed and we were provided ample information to help explain the steps to the congregation.  The book that accompanied the information was very valuable and I referred to it often during the process.  As the search team ...
Bill Gaw - Search Committee Chariman, Waterford Church of Christ
From my standpoint as one of the elders, I can say we were pleased with the process, and feel the time and money spent was well worth it. We felt we received excellent service from your firm, and because we were among the first to use your service ...
Bob Perkins - Elder, Sunset Church of Christ
I was so happy when Minister Match reached out to me about a potential job. I consider Minister Match an answer to my prayers.
Clay Tidwell
We would like to thank you for your efforts to make the minister hiring process simple and well defined. The congregation here has not been through the minister hiring process in sixteen years and had little experience left for trying to do so. We ...
Jim Burdette - Elder, Frederick Church of Christ
Minister Match did an excellent job connecting me with a congregation that I would not have known about otherwise.  Don Viar did an excellent job representing my concerns to the search committee and did an excellent job communicating their concerns ...
Drew Baker - Preaching Minister, South Fork Church of Christ
We would not have been exposed to the large number of qualified candidates without the resources and expertise of Minister Match.  The search process was very organized and accomplished very efficiently with the program and schedule provided by ...
Ken Fox - Elder, Mesa Church of Christ
Minister Match was kind to me, followed up really well, and tried to be as helpful as possible. I believe they give a lot of attention to the candidates and care about their part of the process.
Kerry Williams - Minister, Waterford Church of Christ
We had a very good experience with Minister Match.  This was not the first time we had searched for a minister, but it was the first time we used a search firm.  Our experience with Minister Match was a complete success.  In previous searches, we ...
Jim Holway - Minister, Sunset Church of Christ

Contact Information

Minister Match
410 South Lowe Avenue
Cookeville, TN 38501

ABC Blocks

Your congregation has just hired a minister, and it seems like they are the perfect fit. Congratulations! There is one more step to the process, though, and it is just as important as the process of finding the right minister. You might have heard people refer to how the “first hundred days” of someone’s job usually sets the tone for their entire career with that organization. The same is true with ministers. Just as your congregation is going through a major transition, so is your new minister. The first few months of a job are a stressful time, and it is the job of the elders and search committee to help your new minister through their transition.

We refer to this as the “On-Boarding Stage.” Since the “first hundred days” is so important to the rest of a minister’s career with your congregation, we believe this stage is one of the keys to reducing minister turnover in the church. In this post, we want to talk about a few of the things that a new minister needs from their congregation during this transition period. We will refer to them as the ABC’s of the On-Boarding Phase.