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Professional Attitudes

Minister Match connected me with a church, had the details for every aspect of the process already taken care of, and communicated well. It was a very easy process, and now I am a youth minister in Miami, Florida!  I was very impressed with the professional attitudes of everyone involved in the process, and they worked around my busy schedule very well to make everything quick and easy!

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Did Exactly What They Set Out to Do

The Minister Match team was very professional. The entire process was very transparent. It was structured and organized, which made it a whole lot easier. I felt that the team also had a genuine concern for the Lord's church and His ministers. Throughout the entire process, I received a lot of encouragement and support along the way from Don, which was very refreshing. Ultimately, the whole process was great, and it was very successful! I don't think I would have this job if it wasn't for Minister Match and the grace and mercy of the Lord. Minister Match did exactly what they set out to do and matched the minister with the ministry.

Terrific Candidates and a Top-Notch Youth Minister

I was grateful for the guidance of Minister Match through the complex and time-intensive search process. John was responsive, supportive and knowledgable. Communication was excellent and flexible around my availability as a volunteer search committee chair. Most importantly, we ended up with some terrific candidates and a top-notch youth minister.

Professional Attitudes

Minister Match connected me with a church, had the details for every aspect of the process already taken care of, and communicated well. It was a very easy process, and now I am a youth minister in Miami, Florida!  I was very impressed with the professional attitudes of everyone involved in the process, and they worked around my busy schedule very well to make everything quick and easy!

Didn't Play Favorites

The candidate pool for our need was something we had to work to develop but Don was insistent we wait for God's guidance and let it fill up when our human nature wanted to start right away. This served us well since our best qualified candidate didn't enter the pool until the end. Thanks to Don's persistence, guidance and policy of constant communication with us, we were able to get through a significant amount of work in a timeframe that respected all and offered a fair consideration matrix that didn't play favorites. We got a well vetted, thoroughly referenced final four and from there got a wonderful hire for our Family Minister position.

Very Smooth and Very Easy

It was a great process for me. Minister Match did a good job of keeping confidentiality in collecting information, and the communication process was very clear. The staff was very easy to deal with and very helpful. Overall the experience was very smooth and very easy.

Two Uniquely Qualified Ministers

We would not have been exposed to the large number of qualified candidates without the resources and expertise of Minister Match.  The search process was very organized and accomplished very efficiently with the program and schedule provided by Minister Match. I'm convinced we would not have contacted nor hired our two new ministers without Minister Match. We sincerely believe the Lord led us to two uniquely qualified ministers that fit our dreams for the future growth of the Mesa family.

Very Positive Attitude Toward Minister Match

I think that because of the format that was there and the process that we followed, it made us stand out to our quality group of finalists who had other lines in the water looking for opportunities. When it came time to offer our finalist the opportunity, I think the clarity of the process influenced him to choose us over someone else. The whole process from start to finish was a valuable tool and was a great compass point guide to help us to navigate some waters that we don’t travel very often. I have a very positive attitude toward Minister Match, and I appreciate Don so very much.

Minister Match Gives a Lot of Attention to the Candidates

Minister Match was kind to me, followed up really well, and tried to be as helpful as possible. I believe they give a lot of attention to the candidates and care about their part of the process.

Over 30 Serious Candidates

Our Search Committee is so grateful that we used Minister Match when we needed to hire our new Youth Minister. Minister Match assisted us in recruiting many serious candidates (over 30) that fit what our congregation was looking for. The advice and information provided to us was well organized and provided in a timely manner. Don and his staff were with us every step of the way; from the creation of the search committee all the way to the final negotiations with our new Youth Minister. I truly believe God answered our prayers by leading us to work with Minister Match.

A Complete Success

We had a very good experience with Minister Match.  This was not the first time we had searched for a minister, but it was the first time we used a search firm.  Our experience with Minister Match was a complete success.  In previous searches, we were able to identify a pool of 3-4 candidates.  With Minister Match, there was an initial pool of over 30, with 15 interested candidates.  Don Viar brings a wealth of knowledge and competence to the search process. Don walked with us through the entire process  and was always available via text or email to handle questions and concerns.

Minister Match is filling a tremendous need among Churches of Christ.  I heartily recommend Minister Match to any congregation looking to hire a minister.  In fact, I have already recommended them to some friends. 

Successful Process for Both Parties

Minister Match did an excellent job connecting me with a congregation that I would not have known about otherwise.  Don Viar did an excellent job representing my concerns to the search committee and did an excellent job communicating their concerns and process to me.  I found that I was able to trust Don to faithfully mediate between the congregation and myself to bring about a successful process for both parties.

Everything Worked Out Very Well

The process was well marketed and we were provided ample information to help explain the steps to the congregation.  The book that accompanied the information was very valuable and I referred to it often during the process.  As the search team leader I was able to improve team involvement and maintain consistent progress through the steps with help from the book.

I believe the over all design of the process is laid out very well from start to finish.  We tried to follow it as best we could, but our timing was very tight due to circumstances beyond our control.  Our ability to stream line the process to fit our needs proved very challenging, but in the end everything worked out very well.

I have already had the opportunity to recommend your services to another congregation and hope you all the best in the future.

Your Firm Has Brought Focus to This Process

From my standpoint as one of the elders, I can say we were pleased with the process, and feel the time and money spent was well worth it. We felt we received excellent service from your firm, and because we were among the first to use your service may have received even more personal attention from the principal(s) of the company.

Your firm has brought focus to this process which most churches need in a minister search. We had earlier gone through a disappointing search for a Children's Minister without your guidance and assistance, and we spent almost two years and got no appropriate candidates.

This was certainly a much better experience for us, the committee and the congregation.

Found the Man God Intended

Minister Match helped us hire a new minister in half the time we took for our previous hire.  We used the Minister Match process which helped us build a consensus of what we wanted.  Minister Match's network then helped us to build an excellent pool of candidates.  Ultimately, I am confident that we found the man God intended to work with us in an efficient and structured process that allowed a committee to select a minister under the guidance of our shepherds. 

Minister Hiring Process Simple and Well Defined

We would like to thank you for your efforts to make the minister hiring process simple and well defined. The congregation here has not been through the minister hiring process in sixteen years and had little experience left for trying to do so. We purchased multiple copies of your book and were able to tailor the process to meet our needs. This and your help when we called for it have allowed for us to have an experience free of conflict that has involved the entire congregation. 

I wholeheartedly recommend Minister Match's resume service to every minister.

I strongly encourage ministers to take advantage of the expertise of the folks at Minister Match to help put together a high quality resume. They will help you identify strong points you didn't even know you have! I am extremely satisfied with the results Minister Match produced in preparing my resume.

An Answer To My Prayers

I was so happy when Minister Match reached out to me about a potential job. I consider Minister Match an answer to my prayers.


Minister Match helped us hire a new minister in half the time we took for our previous hire.  We used the Minister Match process which helped us build a consensus of what we wanted.  Minister Match's network then helped us to build an ...
Tom Long - Search Committee Chairman, South Fork Church of Christ
Minister Match was kind to me, followed up really well, and tried to be as helpful as possible. I believe they give a lot of attention to the candidates and care about their part of the process.
Kerry Williams - Minister, Waterford Church of Christ
I think that because of the format that was there and the process that we followed, it made us stand out to our quality group of finalists who had other lines in the water looking for opportunities. When it came time to offer our finalist the ...
Joel Shelton - Search Committee Chairman, Commerce Church of Christ
The process was well marketed and we were provided ample information to help explain the steps to the congregation.  The book that accompanied the information was very valuable and I referred to it often during the process.  As the search team ...
Bill Gaw - Search Committee Chariman, Waterford Church of Christ
I was grateful for the guidance of Minister Match through the complex and time-intensive search process. John was responsive, supportive and knowledgable. Communication was excellent and flexible around my availability as a volunteer search ...
Brandon Clark - Youth Minister Search Committee Chairman, Mesa Church of Christ
Our Search Committee is so grateful that we used Minister Match when we needed to hire our new Youth Minister. Minister Match assisted us in recruiting many serious candidates (over 30) that fit what our congregation was looking for. The ...
Jorge Acebo - Search Committee Chairman, Sunset Church of Christ
I strongly encourage ministers to take advantage of the expertise of the folks at Minister Match to help put together a high quality resume. They will help you identify strong points you didn't even know you have! I am extremely satisfied with the ...
Joel Shelton - Commerce Church of Christ
We would like to thank you for your efforts to make the minister hiring process simple and well defined. The congregation here has not been through the minister hiring process in sixteen years and had little experience left for trying to do so. We ...
Jim Burdette - Elder, Frederick Church of Christ
The Minister Match team was very professional. The entire process was very transparent. It was structured and organized, which made it a whole lot easier. I felt that the team also had a genuine concern for the Lord's church and His ministers. ...
Joshua Duboise - Family Minister, Mesa Church of Christ
From my standpoint as one of the elders, I can say we were pleased with the process, and feel the time and money spent was well worth it. We felt we received excellent service from your firm, and because we were among the first to use your service ...
Bob Perkins - Elder, Sunset Church of Christ

Contact Information

Minister Match
410 South Lowe Avenue
Cookeville, TN 38501

ABC Blocks

Your congregation has just hired a minister, and it seems like they are the perfect fit. Congratulations! There is one more step to the process, though, and it is just as important as the process of finding the right minister. You might have heard people refer to how the “first hundred days” of someone’s job usually sets the tone for their entire career with that organization. The same is true with ministers. Just as your congregation is going through a major transition, so is your new minister. The first few months of a job are a stressful time, and it is the job of the elders and search committee to help your new minister through their transition.

We refer to this as the “On-Boarding Stage.” Since the “first hundred days” is so important to the rest of a minister’s career with your congregation, we believe this stage is one of the keys to reducing minister turnover in the church. In this post, we want to talk about a few of the things that a new minister needs from their congregation during this transition period. We will refer to them as the ABC’s of the On-Boarding Phase.