There is no question that one of the keys to the success of our Minister Hiring Process is the cooperation of a congregation's search committee. These are the folks that are hard at work meeting with each other on a regular basis, making recruiting calls (if taking the Self-Service route), sifting through applications, interviewing candidates both remotely and in person, and ultimately deciding who to move forward in the process. A good search committee is crucial to finding the right minister for your congregation, but what about the elders?
Isn't it the elders who are ultimately supposed to be in charge? When ministers are told, "We just don't think you're the right fit," as the reason for their termination (which is ultimately what Minister Match wants to prevent), isn't it the elders who are making that decision? Some of you may be thinking, "Okay, I get the idea of having a good search committee, but shouldn't the elders have a larger role in this process?" We understand this concern, so we want to take a few minutes in this post to assure you that if your congregation chooses to work with us, your elders will be just as involved as your search committee in finding the "right fit" for your congregation.